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Everything posted by Iceman

  1. Iceman

    Buzz TV 4900

    Allaboutbuzz just did exactly what you said storage was on. So I shut it off and turned it back on and follow the rest of your instructions. Still no results. Thanks for trying.
  2. Iceman

    Buzz TV 4900

    Did what you said and still don't work. Makes no sense. The reason why I wanted this box was to record. I appreciate all your help. Thanks.
  3. Iceman

    Buzz TV 4900

    There is nothing that says configure video player.
  4. Iceman

    Buzz TV 4900

    I did that before and all it says is video player and under it it says live TV. Which I can switch to the default or secondary. Under that it says VOD + TV series and buffet time.
  5. Iceman

    Buzz TV 4900

    I can't find that settings. I don't understand because this used to work great.
  6. Iceman

    Buzz TV 4900

    What other media player?
  7. Iceman

    Buzz TV 4900

    My buzz TV 4900 is recording but when I go to play it back it just says stream unavailable right now? Anybody know why this is happening? Thank you for the help.
  8. No. I had on the app DB assistant you know it helps clean out the junk files . Somehow someway it took a screenshot of it. And every time I hit the back button for a split second I see that screen come up. I uninstalled the app. I'm going to install it again. Been using it for years. But like I said every time I hit the back button for a split second you see a screenshot of DB assistant. It's annoying.
  9. RYU I did what you said after I hit on local disk nothing came up saying pictures.
  10. I accidentally took a screenshot on my buzz TV 4900. How do I get rid of it?
  11. External.
  12. On the box. Now it recognizes it. But when I go to record using buzz TV's live tv player. It only gives me the option of internal storage . There's no way I and switch it over to the SSD drive
  13. I installed an SSD drive into the buzz TV XRS 4900. When I look at storage it shows me that it's there but it says it has been safely ejected. Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong? Appreciate any help.
  14. The red light on the front is blinking every 20 seconds but I can't turn it on. It started on Friday within an hour everything was working again. Now it's doing it again now it's been over an hour and it's just blinking red every 20 seconds.
  15. The red light on the box is blinking every 20 seconds. But I can't turn it on. This started on Friday in the morning nobody is watching it it went off by itself the red light I'm talking about. About 45 minutes later it came back on I was able to turn it on. I don't know if it was resetting itself or if they had an update? Now I can't turn it on but it's blinking every 20 seconds red. Thanks for responding any help you can give me I'd appreciate it. I'm not a newbie at this. I just never saw this happen before.
  16. The red light that stays on when it's off has shut off. It started the other day. Eventually it came on by itself. As I'm speaking it happened to me again today. I just don't know if the box is resetting itself or something else is happening. I tried unplugging it and plugging it back in. Tried pressing the power button on the remote. So far nothing any help would be appreciated.
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