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Diez last won the day on November 4 2021

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  1. Anyone else on their 4900 running tivimate have an issue where the EPG only loads one day ahead? Tried clearing cache, contacting my provider, etc and there doesn't seem to be an answer as to why this is
  2. So after firmware and software updates and rebooting: Hitting suspend on the 4900 used to shut down the box (red light) and HDMI switch to other active input (cable) All fine and dandy Now it darkens the screen to black, (blue light stays on) then tires to switch to the other HDMI input, does so for a sec or two, then switches back. Try again, same. Box won't go red for approx 1+ hour if manually switched to other HDMI input
  3. powerkey is suspend as it's always has cec is all on except for device power At some point last night the box turned off, but again this morning it stayed on for who knows how long as I left for work. Last night when hitting suspend while in the home menu, it would switch hdmi inputs for a brief second as normal, then switch back on it's own All these issues happened with the latest app update, and I don't use the built in app to watch my service
  4. I just had some auto buzz 5 upgrades in the past few days and immediately noticed that when I shut down the player (Tivimate app, don't use the buzz player) and go back to the main menu and switch HDMI input sources on my TV to cable, the light stays blue and the 4900 does not go to sleep. This is confirmed also by my ethernet router which shows the connection as "active" Previously within seconds of switching inputs on my TV the 4900 light would turn red and the unit would go to sleep. It is now not doing that and stays blue all the time I tried hitting the power button on the 4900 which is set to "suspend" and it shuts off the picture and switches auto to my other HDMI input (cable) but the blue light on the 4900 remains on and my router continues to show an active ethernet link. Solutions?
  5. Diez

    VPN Buffering

    Thanks for the help on the update. Dumb question but why would the system update feature not accomplish the update? Haven't done an in depth test but at first glance it seems to be helping on the excessive buffering. Tivimate is hardly getting any. Which leads to a future feature question. Any chance of a channel edit feature like tivimate has where you can select prefixes and suffixes to eliminate from channel listings/descriptions?
  6. Diez

    VPN Buffering

    Ok gotcha thanks. Question, when updating the firmware, will it affect any other app data or wipe other device data?
  7. Diez

    VPN Buffering

    Well when I'm in the app and check for updates it says none available, so tell me how to update cos I can't find it anywhere else other than system updates and they are up to date as well
  8. Diez

    VPN Buffering

  9. Diez

    VPN Buffering

    don't quite follow, my firmware is updated to the latest
  10. Diez

    VPN Buffering

    on buzz5 yes
  11. Diez

    VPN Buffering

    ok on tivimate the issues appear gone for the past several moments. So I'm led to believe then that this service just doesn't like the buzz5 app ?
  12. Diez

    VPN Buffering

    That's on the list. Is Smarters as good as advertised?
  13. Diez

    VPN Buffering

    Have had a week of frustration trying out this new well known service. Constant buffering and have to refresh my VPN numerous times on startup. Using the Nord App through the 4900 with the nordlynx protocol and dedicated DNS servers (started with default but it didn't really make a difference) Would the issue be centered around the quality of the M3u XCAPI connection? On my current regular service it's done via MAC addy and I have had no such issues. Is one style more stable than the other? I'm just looking for a better all round service and if I could sort out this darn buffering I'd be happy as this new service has a lot of better qualities
  14. Diez

    VPN Buffering

    Provider is removing a bunch of content not relevant to me. I will see if that helps, as they say that is the most common reason. Speed wise I have 80-100mbps regularly, and when I switch to another provider, no such issues pop up Using nordlynx, yes Hoping the reduction of content fixes the issue
  15. Diez

    VPN Buffering

    I refresh servers often when it pops up and it doesn't fix the issue, sometimes I get no signal at all. I'm contacting the provider for help as well
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