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Everything posted by Sidney81

  1. Thank god for that
  2. Go post that in nidvia forum mate. It will go down well looool
  3. Will or can Android versions be updated via Ota on this XRS49000? Currently on android 9.
  4. Ah that's good news.
  5. It should be implemented though. For the price it's selling for it should be there. Nidvia shield only slightly more and has it. Like I said in previous post I have cheaper devices which has it.
  6. I suggest u read up on technology mate. If the box can't switch auto frame rate as its not implemented in the firmware. Then it won't switch regardless if the tivimate has the option or not. Dear me Like I said I paid £70 for ugoos box and playback is much smoother as it has afrd.
  7. Iv tried the other player plus tivimate premium. I have a ugoos box which plays perfect. And has the afrd option in its settings. And cost half the price. Considering the buzz box is high end value I would of expected afrd in its firmware surely.
  8. I notice the xrs 49000 doesn't have auto frame rate switch option in settings. Is there going to be an option for this in a new firmware update. ? As I'm getting a juddery playback with live TV.
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