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TonyC last won the day on June 8 2024

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  1. I was using xc api login
  2. I've taken my servers off of buzz6 app and put them on buzz5. What was happening was when pressing ok button on watch on the vod, it would leave the movie homescreen for a second then go back.
  3. At present i'm okay with everything on buzz5 app. I'll wait till they send an update and fix.
  4. I put my servers on the buzz 5 and vod and series worked fine. So probably not my servers.
  5. They are all there, populated. They just won't play at all.
  6. I can't get in touch to ask. I'm trying to get another 12 months as well.
  7. Hi Everyone, Having an issue with my P6 not playing VOD or Series. Thanks
  8. TonyC


    Hi Everyone, Although not a big issue, on my P6, i installed Surfshark. When I move the location (vpn), my actual location stays the same. Is there a way to change this, so my actual location changes with the vpn. Many Thanks Tony
  9. With an XC api, do you have to tell your provider when swapping boxes? Only in a thread I read, said you can use XC multiple times, but on different boxes?
  10. So when does it run out? It must have cost a fortune!
  11. Great, what are the current bugs with Buzz 6. I know about the MAC server for sts41, but other than that, for what i need it for, watching live tv, vod and series, is there anything else?
  12. Can you not put in one and not the other?
  13. Have all the Buzz 6 issues been ironed out with the updates? I have a XC api and MAC, will i have issues switching between both?
  14. Hi All, What is the difference, and do you have to select one or other, before uploading server portal?
  15. Great, so I'll have pretty much no issues. Great!
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