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  1. This may have been mentioned before somewhere. If the unit is set to suspend can it record or does it have to be powered on to work?
  2. Thanks for letting me know, this is great information!
  3. Thanks for confirming
  4. < Update > It turns out I can only record the channel I am watching. If I switch channels it breaks the recording.... Is this down to the stream provider or the unit itself?
  5. Did two more recordings as a test. One of them said it was completed 30m tv slot and only a couple minutes recorded from it. The next recording test said it completed as well. When I press play on the PVR recording it tries to open and flashes back to the PVR menu. Could I have a defective unit? I tried everything I can think of.
  6. That would be amazing if you could power it off and still be able to record. I have my Logitech remote turning tv > receiver > buzztv on and off. There I don't have an option to have it not turn it off on power command. I did set the power function to standby hoping it would work.
  7. The recording storage is set to internal. Only option I see available. Something I read on another post when checking my network connection is that ethernet was showing as not connected even though the programing works and it is only connected via ethernet. I enabled and disabled wifi and it now shows as connected. Doing a recording test to see if it works now. Is the box able to record when the unit is powered to standby, or does it have to be left on for it to work?
  8. Says version 4.0.549
  9. Recording internal, no external drive connected.
  10. Hi,I recently purchased a Buzztv XRS 4900 from Amazon.ca and updated it on the first setup. I am setup with IPTV and when I try to record a channel it begins recording, then shortly it will either fail or stop recording. Even when it doesn't error out the recorded channel wont play in the PVR.Also when entering the settings menu it forces it to stop the recording.What could be causing this issue?
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