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superjrbomb1970 last won the day on December 29 2021

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  1. right now samsung is the best drive you can get or even westen digital is good to
  2. 6tb is the maxx you can use right now with the sate plug in the xrs 4900
  3. you can even use the westen digital ssd up 6tb with the sate plug inside the box it will work
  4. ok thanks
  5. inside with the sata plug inder the box
  6. yes it did not help
  7. you have too do a bit of resurch becose the buzztv xrs4900 has a maxx 6tb hdd limit you can in stall a 6tb drive in i have a samsung 6tb qvo drive in my xrs4900 with no problems at all
  8. when i cleared recently watched videos the buzztv 5 app will crash and restart even if i restart rox box it will still crash or if im in the guide the buzztv 5 app will crash
  9. you can use up too a 6tb ssd in the xrs4900
  10. ok my buzztv 5 app will crash when i exit the program or when i clear video i watch and i reset the box and no fix
  11. why your buzztv 5 app works mine took a shit
  12. is there goiong to be a new update to fix some problems with the xrs4900
  13. the buzztv 5 app will crash and restart
  14. yes
  15. i have a problem with my xrs4900 every time i clear recently cleared video the buzztv 5 app will crash
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