Tv is older sony xbr 65x900e. Any buzz boxe that I have used in the past 2000, 3000, 3900, 4900, U5 (until it died) were all plug and play with the remotes adjusting tv volume. With the buzz box volume set to high. Did not have to do any setting adjustments on tv or the buzz box. X5 ss just received. Decided to pair bt-400 and it works fine adjusts tv volume, except will not turn on or off the tv, no big deal. This remote lives in the kitchen and is used when we have our evening meal and is used to change news channels.
Tried to get a second bt-400 to work. It will not work tv volume. It will not work any volume unless the force max volume is turned off then it will ony work x5 volume. I spent 6 hrs yesterday adjusting settings on tv and the x5 ss and 2 hrs today. Pair second bt-400 does not work or unpair does not work tv volume, it will work all other functions of the x5. I have factory reset tv and the x5 to no avail.
Someone will probably say just turn tv volume up and use x5 to set the output level. Except I usually use headphones connected to tv and that is controlled by the buzz volume (tapping volume into tv rather than out?)
I have tried every conceivable setting that I can find on the tv and x5 to get second bt-400 whether paired unpaired or reset to control tv volume. A arq 100 plugged in to the x5 does not work either. I could use tv remote to control volume but I liked the use of one remote as in the past.