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lawrence c

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lawrence c last won the day on May 19 2023

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  1. How to clear over all memory? Remember to 3000 was to clear with home screen brush.
  2. Just to update all I had to do is clear cache now back to working order
  3. I have homepage on Classic if that would cause it
  4. I would select the nfl channel and in a couple of minutes reboot. last night watching sportsnet hockey same thing.
  5. yes not using usb input
  6. a few days ago stick decides to reboot while watching a program. now its on for a few minutes and reboots. any suggestions
  7. out of all the boxes the 4000 is the only that reacts like this. I just had the 4000 vidstick updated and it works perfect. go figure. i like it for sports specifically.
  8. I set up to shutdown. Ive tried both streams. I have no other box doing this. I can live with it just annoying. My friends 4500 doesn't do it. I will try one more reset and see what happens. thanks for the feed back and help
  9. Just to add Also another pop up was unknown stream error
  10. I am still having issues with channel changing after box is in use 30 minutes and more I change a few channels then a channel freezes. Go to another channel works go back to original channel still frozen. Have to wait a minute or so and comes back on. It flashes stream not available. I have reset twice. cleared cache numerous times. changed video player. I have high end wifi that is within 10 feet of box. You can select several channels in a row and they all freeze . That's changing will full screen or channel screen and even using last button. Anyone else experiencing this issue on the xr4000?
  11. perfect thanks
  12. if I don't want it anymore how would the further updates be added?
  13. Just an update did the hard reset and box is working well now.
  14. figured that would be next step thanks
  15. I can get to server area but says connection area and to reboot box. cannot get to home screen or settings to connect wifi.
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