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  1. Yes
  2. I finally broke out my U5 box and have all my programs installed. When the update notice pops up, I click on the download and install, the last time clicked on it, it set there for at least 35 minutes doing what you see. How long do I wait? What do I do? I can back out of it, but it pops back up.
  3. Thank you.
  4. Yes it does. The OTA update set there for 30 minutes and nothing. If you can't help, don't answer please
  5. It's the answer the other person wanted my speed.
  6. Because I posted here the other with a question. That's why
  7. I've clicked on the box. That's when the bar above it and it just sets there. My speed is down 144.45.
  8. I have the U5 128gb. I've had it for awhile without hooking it up. I recently had to hook it up and I got everything downloaded on it it works great, love it, but, an OTA update has been "preparing system update" has been on screen for 30 minutes. The download bar is moving. Is this normal or what should I do? Appreciate the help.
  9. Everything is working just fine now. Thought I could use same power cord as old one. Thanks for the suggestions.
  10. Bonehead move on my part. I was not using the power supply that came with it, was using power supply for old box. Thanks for the tip.
  11. I have the U5 set top box. I'm currently trying to sign into Google Play store, but half through putting in my password, the box will shut off and the remote will not turn back on. I was able to connect it to my wifi, no problems, but now this snag. It's like when I try to move to a different page, it shuts off, that's the only way I can describe it. My box, as of now, is still, and I have not been navigating on it. Now it's started beeping every so often. Help, it's driving me bonkers. Is there a fix and how can I fix it? Appreciate the help.
  12. I dont know what wrong with it. I have unplugged the power and hdmi and and inserted everything like the video says and nothing. Im stumped.
  13. Nope but will try that @nbs.nothing. Ive unplugged it, pressed the reset button. Nothing. My remote wont even trigger the box
  14. @nbs.nothing. Ive unplugged it, pressed the reset button. Nothing. My remote wont even trigger the box
  15. @dishuser using a paper clip. LOL I cant feel button in there at all. I apologize for drawing a brain bubble
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