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Everything posted by Bohanna

  1. Thanks I may just do that.
  2. Thanks, That may work if you are typing in the address but when its button left right up or down it really doesn't apply.
  3. Thanks but I'm still NOT getting it? Home brings up app store. app store brings up top apps, Youtube, Netflix Prime Smart youtube TV ect. ,,, I already have the youtube app from there installed and it plays fine but the adds still keep coming up. Is there a special version I should look for or is there some sort of adblock type thing or extension that works, Many Thanks in advance ,,, BTW LOVE the box its freaking GREAT!
  4. Hi all, Thanks for letting me join, I am having a problem with the youtube app on my 4500 auto playing ads RIGHT smack in the middle of videos. On an IPTV sight I was told there was a version in the Marketplace that had some sort of adblocker built in but NO one says what market place, Any help if thre is such an app or on how to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated . Many Thanks in advance,, Bo
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