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  1. no I can't get into it its stuck now
  2. it won't allow me to even attempt to punch in any server number from live tv and or even BuzzTV app they both are crashing. I can't even get to the menu screen it crashes to read the software version. I do know its from 2017
  3. how could I see the version number when it is stuck on the boot screen and also even if it does go that far I can't even get to see the software version number it boots me out.
  4. The box is stuck on the bootup screen logo. I have tried a hard reset with a pin 10 times. I cant get it to move ahead please help me. I need the latest firmware. its showing firmware from 2017. I even Reset it yesterday and it wouldnt update at all. Everytime I tried to enter livetv to enter server info it would crash. Please help me.
  5. Hi I have a xpl3000. I have like 4 of them. One of them is stuck in boot black screen with symbol. I have hard reset it like 10 times. I reload it all then when I go to punch in server number it crashes. I also try to power cycle then it goes to black screen again. It won't take the latest software its stuck. I have tried deleting the browser data. I have also tried to check for updates but nothing happens. It keeps on booting me out. Please help me. Thanks it is stuck on firmware from 2017. Thanks
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