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Everything posted by ontap

  1. My apologies about naming the app wrongle , anyway thanks to Emporium , am all sorted now. I added my playlist fresh to IPTVE and changed its fomat to HLS before editing and now the list works in the Buzz TV app without vpn, thanks for all your help.
  2. OK so there is an option in IPTVE to change format to HLS , which I have done , then refreshed the list in B5 , the part of the list that comes from the provider that is blocked , is still not working with no VPN and there is still no option in B5 to change streams other than ts ?
  3. Actually I got a little ahead of myself. Changing that stream type option , is allowing the direct url list from the provider to work without vpn , the iptv-editor list still isn't working until I enable VPN. I will have look on IPTV editor and see if that stream opeion can be set at their end.
  4. Holy Bananas , with stream type set to M3U8/HLS its working without VPN now , thanks so much. Made my day.
  5. So , after inputting the providers url direct , I also have the option M3U8/HLS . Just going to try turning off VPN now.
  6. When you say options , do you mean "stream type" options ?
  7. Thanks for replies , Stream type , was set to auto , only one other option offered 'TS" , tried that but no difference.
  8. I really like the B5 app. So I will keep the box. But I've never needed a VPN in nearly a decade of IPTV , guess I have been lucky. But seems strange that its only this app and not Tivimate or a couple I use on apple tv.
  9. Sorry I should have given you that info as well. Yes , using either of the two URL's from the supplier directly on the box , Without a vpn , the lists will load into B5 , but no channels or VOD work until I enable VPN.
  10. Yeah , I tried that and it will load into B5 and work with VPN enabled. I have gotten a little further. So this service ( after I have edited it in Iptv-Editor )will load and work in the legit version of Tivimate , without a VPN on this buzz tv x5. But to use it in B5 app , I have to enable VPN ?
  11. A bit more info on the above. Installed the providers locked Tivimate WITHOUT VPN enabled . added log ins and channels and epg on the playslist that is blocked on B5 are all working on Tivimate ? Now uninstalled the locked Tivimate and installed the free version. Added mjy xtream log in from IPTV-Editor and the channels the list that is blocked on B5 are all working , without VPN enabled ? So this block is definitely only applying to the B5 app ???
  12. A bit more info on the above. Installed the providers locked Tivimate WITHOUT VPN enabled . added log ins and channels and epg on the playslist that is blocked on B5 are all working on Tivimate ?
  13. I have 2 playlists . I combine them into one using IPTV-Editor. IN UK , ISP is TalkTalk. 5 devices in my house , appletv box , shield , 2x Onn boxes and firestick. Using various IPTV apps on those devices both playlists work perfectly , I've never needed a VPN. Had a buzz tv x5 delivered yesterday. Set up B5 app with same xtream dns and log ins as other devices and one of the playlists is blocked , black screens. Tried using m3u , same result. Added VPN to box and blocked playlist works. Uninstalled playlist , cleared B5 data , reinstalled same result. Also the when the combined playlist loads , the blocked list has no epg on the B5 only. Even when refreshing the lists with vpn added , the epg (only the blocked list) isn't pulled in ? Am curious , if its an ISP block why is only applied to the B5 on x5 and not to other devices ?
  14. Apologies for asking such a basic question , but how do I remove the App Store icon please , if it is removable of course ?
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