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Everything posted by GUAW

  1. GUAW

    Not Impressed

    Ok here are my details Firmware v20240930 software 5.0.938 But it has since updated itself again One thing I have noticed is that not all my streams play with the primary player, but they all do with the backup player. And a stream that only plays with the back up player will seemingly record ok (red record sign top right) but when I try to play it, it refuses to play even though the thumbnail is there and it displays the correct recording time. Could this be anything to do with the stream format settings, mine is set on automatic. Is this Ok, or should I try m3u8/HLS, TS, or RTMP Also where on the drive are the recordings stored, so I can see if VLC will play the files. Sorry to be a pain.
  2. GUAW

    Not Impressed

    Ok, so I somehow have managed to get the recording to work. What I have done is, deleted the cache and all details in Buzz TV from the settings/apps menu, and uninstalled Buzz TV updates. Then instead of entering my m3u details I entered my XC details and changed to back up player, and it has worked. I can now record. I'm not sure which action sorted the problem, but one of them has. Still not sorted the external drive issue out yet. I'll post my firmware details when I'm next home. Oh and Emporium....... not ranting at all. I was just disapointed.
  3. GUAW

    Not Impressed

    Thanks for the replies. I've tried the suggestion regarding the USB lead, it didn't work. I have 3 x 4tb WD elements external hard disks that work with my other 2 android boxes but not this one. Tivimate also won't record on this box even though it does on my other 2 boxes. I wish I'd never bought this box, I should have just bought another shield, but I fancied the extra disk space. It's a shame because this box had potential, but as it is it's no better than a £40 firestick.
  4. I just bought a X5 SS and to be honest I'm not very impressed. I have two other android boxes, an Nvidia Shield and a Humax freeview android box. On both these boxes I have TiVimate installed and it works perfectly, I can even record on the shield but the lack of space means I can't record much. I bought the X5 SS primarily for the abilty to record with more disk space, however I find I am unable to record anything at all. I did wonder if it is because I only have 1 connection on my sub and maybe BuzzTV doesn't like that, so I installed TiVimate on the X5 SS and set it up as I have on my shield but that will not record either. I can't find anything in the Buzz TV app that asks for permission to write to disk or USB, so I'm guessing it is granted automatically. Finally, a seperate issue, I thought I would install Kodi, and connect my 4tb external hard drive that works perfectly on my other boxes. But the X5 SS will not connect. If I go to storage it just says elements is disconnected. Does this box not recognize a 4tb disk or is it because it is formatted NTFS. Can anyone help please.
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