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  1. okay thank you for the information. Other than that it is an awesome box.
  2. So what you told me is that usb-c port is for only for connecting to a pc and nothing else correct ?
  3. I say so.! The usb-c port is useless if cannot write date to external drive. Did buzztv test this port or are in some other world ?
  4. No it is for recording movies tv shows etc
  5. Update - i can recognize the drive on the usb-2 port with no problems on the u5. What is the usb-c port good for ?
  6. Yes i formatted on the pc and no there is no date on the drive. It is not recognized under Storage under BuzzTv.
  7. I have usb-c startech docking station Part#SDOCKU313E hooked up to my u5 with a 2TB hard drive formatted exfat and it not recognized by u5 buzztv. Am i missing something ?
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