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razor07 last won the day on February 3

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  1. Ok, thanks for replying.
  2. In Buzz Tv 6, is it possible to change background VOD picture, are they randomly set, mine stays on same picture for quite some time. Is there anything in upcoming updates that will allow you to change background?
  3. razor07

    New P6?

    Multi view, how’s that.
  4. razor07

    New P6?

    I answered nbs, I understand the process now, sorry for confusion.
  5. razor07

    New P6?

    nbs, specifications was the wrong word to use, what I am wondering is way would they introduce an new device when, P6 is still does not have all their features working.
  6. razor07

    New P6?

    I was just wondering why they are working on a new device, when the first one has a way to go to be finished and work properly.
  7. razor07

    New P6?

    Which part?
  8. razor07

    New P6?

    I just watched video from CES where Buzz introduced their new P6, they don’t even have their first one working to the specifications they advertised. It makes me wonder if they are even going to get there? So far not too happy with their performance.
  9. razor07


    On the home screen.
  10. razor07


    Has anyone noticed that the reorder app function works intermittingly?
  11. Yes, thank you
  12. I know how to factory reset and I won't do that as I have a lot of stuff I set up and will wait until they get a backup function working, they still have a long way to go, yes I have developer options enabled on all my boxes, but that has not changed anything, 2 boxes have the advanced display and my original does not? I think that happened in production which makes me wonder what else is not right.
  13. The box is connected directly to tv with HDMI supplied by Buzz, connected my other box to same tv and it has the advanced display setting as does my daughters box on her TV, as I said sent ticket on it.
  14. V20241126
  15. Sorry for the delay, sent a ticket in and was told it is in the firmware and the unsure why at this point. Will see if they can solve the mystery.
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