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  1. Thank you for both post answers
  2. Did I miss the actual name for the "RD" ?
  3. Great post. Glad to learn about this.
  4. Add us both to the list. The BETA testers list! Surely there is a lust, I mean list!
  5. Add us both to the list.
  6. Thank you. I'm already get excited! Make me a BETA tester.
  7. Please don't ban me already for this post,,!!! Can Buzztv add features like (HDhomerun DVR or TabloTv units) that allows you to scan and record OTA channels...if course with an OTA antenna and 3.0 tuners. They work with android devices but the add features would allow recording multiple local and OTA simultaneously. I am not sure if this can be added to the Buzz 5 or 6 app or added to a new stb design. Thank you
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