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  1. this is what was working before latest update . now it stops after first 30 minutes. I am going to try it again is the bug in multi days perhaps ?
  2. No, it is set to record the same channel for say 1.5 or 2 hours but spanning several different program schedules. It will stop after first half hour.
  3. "In the Scheduled Recordings Menu and using Create Manual Recording" That is what I use
  4. To solve the problem I set it 90 minutes and that way I record more than 30 minutes
  5. It was working in the previous version
  6. I am using the Schedule option in PVR. I select the channel , start time and stop time. example: If Program A starts at 7 pm and ends at 7:30 pm Program B starts at 7:30 and ends at 9:00 pm I use start time 7 pm and end time 9 pm. It will record from 7 to 7:30 ONLY.
  7. I don’t see STREAM TYPE in the Configuration Settings
  8. So I did the factory reset and also de hard reset. Th problem persists. When I record from the EPG it works fine but if I schedule the recording and it covers more than one EPG entry, it will only record 30 minutes. The recordings also have problems sometimes as I cannot FF. I saw some other posts that talk about similar problems. TS an PVR definitely have problems! I hope BUZZTV takes notice. By the way, the BACKUP does not backup the APPS. I had KODI with full addons and had to download everything again.
  9. I sheduled a 1 hour recording but it only recorded 30 minutes !
  10. It affects all recordings. I just setup a 1 hour recording and will let you know if it worked. My device is brand new but if necessary, I will reset later.
  11. I overlooked the END DATE . It works advancing the End Date. Thanks The recording using the SCHEDULED feature can be set up for more than 30 minutes but it only records 30 minutes. Let me know if yours works.
  12. When I try to schedule a recording past midnight, it will give an error when over 00:00. Example if PVR starts at 23:30 and ends at 00:30. It will not accept 00:30. This was corrected in a previous update, but the new one has the problem again. There is still a problem with SCHEDULING over 1/2 hour. It will only record 30 minutes.
  13. Before the latest update my scheduled recordings worked for 2 hours I had scheduled It now it stops after 30 minutes !
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