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  1. Redhusker24

    New Boxes

    Yep you are right
  2. Redhusker24

    New Boxes

    What's are these new boxes going to be available? I saw where they are coming out with some new ones and BuzzTV 6.
  3. Redhusker24


    There's nothing wrong with my box. I was just reading all the comments and thought it was the end of the
  4. Redhusker24


    What's going on in here? I haven't been on here in a while
  5. Redhusker24


    So can we expect an update soon as in next couple months?
  6. Redhusker24


    So I guess I'm wrong
  7. Redhusker24


    I agree with you. There should be more updates for these boxes. It's like they pop a couple updates out and just leave it that way. There is alot of stuff that I would change or new stuff I would do. I think they abandoned this box.
  8. Redhusker24


    I just thought they would want to continue to make the box and and live TV app better. I'm not saying it's bad because it's a bad ass box.
  9. Redhusker24


  10. Redhusker24


    Does this box ever have updates? The last one was in April. I would think there would be software updates and new stuff in the updates periodically.
  11. Redhusker24

    Red Light

    Yes I can but what do I change?
  12. Redhusker24

    Red Light

    When I select the source the box is on it doesn't wake up. The light stays red and what's strange is when I selected the source it was on today the TV show cames on but I can't use the remote for the box. Only the volume works and the light doesn't turn blue. What can I do to fix this?
  13. Redhusker24


  14. Redhusker24


    How do I turn off the CEC in settings. Every time I switch my source from my Xbox to my U5 my tv keeps powering off. Only does it on the U5 box.
  15. Redhusker24


    What's the latest firmware on the U5? What's the version number?
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