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Dan Bunton

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Dan Bunton last won the day on January 23 2023

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  1. First turn on developer options by goin into Device preferences. Then About then scroll to bottom and click repeatedly on Android TV OS build till you see message on bottom of screen that your only a few clicks away from being a developer. Click back one menu. You will now see Developer options section. Under Developer options scroll down to: Window animation scale. Should be set to 1x. Change to .5x Transition animation scale same change to .5x Animator duration scale same change to .5x This will increase the responsiveness of the GUI. I might be new to the forum but I've been a Tech since 1998. Cheers Enjoy,
  2. No ETA yet TonyC.
  3. Sorry Im new to the form. I didn't realize I had posted it in my 1st post. LOL. Catalogue-BuzzTV-2023.pdf
  4. Yes but they sound great. I think the P6 will be the ultimate box.
  5. I have the latest 2023 Catalogue is it ok to post ???
  6. Mouse button does nothing when clicking on connect button. I understand these issues are not Buzz related issues. Thanks for the advise.
  7. Thanks alot Emporium for the very informative response. I like the look of the BT200 directional arrows buttons being raised. Im gonna order one. Will follow up once received. Regards, Dan
  8. I have to admit I love the box but hate this remote. The worst part is the unraised navigational keys. I also have trouble when entering server url address. It always put spaces in line even though I haven't entered any spaces. Im considering ordering one of the other available remotes even if its non Bluetooth. Im think the BUZZTV ESSENTIAL ARQ-250. Has raised navigation keys. Can anyone confirm? At least this remote you can speak to as well. LOL
  9. Not working properly. The connect button cannot be clicked to connect or disconnect. Its connected but if I want to disconnect I have to shutdown the app. This sucks as login details must be entered each time. As you can see in the attached pic it shows im connected on top left but connect but only shows connect and does nothing when you click on it. This does not happy on firestick.
  10. After using Tivimate for several weeks suddenly the screen is cut off. Unable to see channel numbers completely. Not sure if it happened after a OTA update. Anyone else have this problem? Regards,
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