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Nunzio D

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Everything posted by Nunzio D

  1. Yes I am using a SSD sata drive
  2. Under setting when you have the Buzz tv app, it DOES NOT have back up or restore listed, But it shows in the storage in setting on the home page
  3. Will get the software version tomorrow when i get back home thanks
  4. Under setting I Do Not have any option to back up & restore I have two 4900 boxes the one has it I was able to download to my sd card hoping to restore it to the other 4900 box
  5. can any one help I did a hard reset but it did not help
  6. Nunzio D


    I reached out to them the problem is not fixed on 2 4900 boxes and my U5 box I cannot get the organize favorites to work will not start with 1,2,3 and so on, even on the start off page where your favorites are it has the numbers of whatever folder it was in when I ck for up dates every box says you have the latest update. I am sorry to say that when in different chat rooms and I here people talk how much there customer service has gone down and why people won't support them anymore there is a reason so I guess all of us grumpy idiots are all wrong and you are the one that's right, when I read that Troy had enough with buzz he must be one of us grumpy idiots also.
  7. Nunzio D


    I have the latest update sorry for the live update but when people need to change there mind on a IPTV box cause they didn't get a answer from them and were still waiting and when you or anyone else going to call anyone out then be prepare to have the facts Well go to troy point insider https://troypointinsider.com/t/buzztv-5-latest-update/74941/2023
  8. Nunzio D


    Well go to troy point insider https://troypointinsider.com/t/buzztv-5-latest-update/74941/2023
  9. Nunzio D


    Guide will not organize favorites it is showing the station number of the folder instead 1 ,2,3 and so on it is to show on the home page and were able to move them in order this is happening on a 4900 and a U5 Buzz is getting low reviews with Troy point and other sites also.
  10. Nunzio D


    Last few Days with 3 different IPTV providers every time I try to change stations the box freezes Clear cache everyday, Clear EPG still have to refresh box or must reboot. Is this happening to any one else with BuZZ boxes.
  11. When backing up on the 4900 or my u5 it ask backup app setting backup servers=Favorites Groups then ask servers which i happen to have 3 different servers i put a ck mark in then i just clk on next and saves it.
  12. The last update my favorites on the home screen the numbers is different than my favorites numbers when I open the app I have the user organize CK is there a fix it happen on the 4900 & U5 box.
  13. Nunzio D


    Does anyone have the problem that the updates, favorites channels aren't the same on the home page when trying to move them into place? not there in the guide the numbers aren't in order like before on the home page. locked channels require a password every time when changing to a different channel, nothing in setting like before not to ask.
  14. Nunzio D


    Does anyone have the problem that the updates, favorites channels aren't the same on the home page when trying to move them into place? not there in the guide the numbers aren't in order like before on the home page. locked channels require a password every time when changing to a different channel, nothing in setting like before not to ask.
  15. Nunzio D

    4900 and U5 box

    I got a update on my U5 and seen that there is radio stations on it now but nothing on my 4900 box can anyone know why.
  16. Nunzio D

    U5 on and off

    Buzztv U5 128GB When my TV turns off my U5 turns off as well, when I turn my TV back on my U5 also turns back on to the last channel I was on, but I cannot change the channel or volume it won’t go back to the home screen it is stuck until I unplug the unit an plug it back in, Does anyone else have this problem.
  17. Nunzio D


    does this happen to anyone when my tv shuts down the U5 shuts off too, but when I turn on my TV on later i have to unplug the U5 and plug it back in. To get it back to work
  18. WKYC out of Cleveland, Ohio is not coming on I keep on getting this message this is happing on the Buzz app when I go to tivimate app it works, I have 2 different IPTV providers when I switch to the other provider it won't work on buzz app but works on tivimate can buzz app be corrupt. I put in a ticket with the IPTV providers and they cannot find the problem. (STEAM IS NOT UNAVAILABLE PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER) Now I know it works because other friends that have different services it is working on theirs.
  19. Nunzio D


    Can you place all your apps on a micro mini since 32gb is not that much and still have a TB storage for you tv shows & movies plus can you direct were your apps would be downloaded too.
  20. Can anyone direct on a How to Guide, on how to Backup your content in a XRS 4900 like your Favorites. I would love to find just a Backup or Restore feature were you can backup all you iptv credentials other Guide programs have it implemented in there interface Buzz5 should be able too.
  21. Nunzio D

    All apps

  22. Nunzio D

    All apps

    When turning on the unit where can I get it to do to all apps instead of directly going to Buzz guide and open up that station
  23. Nunzio D

    New Formatt

    a nice update would have a backup and restore in the tv guide If you ever use Tivimate they have that feature so you can load your iptv provider + it downloads your guide plus your favorites I just a nice option.
  24. Nunzio D

    New Formatt

    a nice update would have a backup and restore in the tv guide
  25. Why can't they have a backup and restore your data in tv guide, so by any chance you lost your guide you can restore it.
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