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Everything posted by rdw33

  1. Works like a charm. Thanks everyone you guys are the best!
  2. I texted my provider to do a MAC reset on my account. Now I wait.
  3. Well it happened here. Strange.
  4. Did the updates twice and now version 5.0.796. Strange I had to do it twice. Now after changing MAC (HOORAY!!) still won't connect with known good URL info. I have a feeling the deleted couple of bytes from device 2 is the culprit.
  5. It tells me it has the latest updates. This all started when I was changing the MAC address. See beginning of thread.
  6. Yes, I see that. I go to Mac server, Server 1, get flashing I after that. Press blue button. Nothing. Firmware version V20221115 IPTV version 5.0.787
  7. Server 1 hilited, push blue button. Nothing. Not using mouse. Sorry for confusion.
  8. Yes updated. Server 1 with cursor flashing, push blue button. Nothing.
  9. I'm at Server 1 highlighted, pushing blue button does nothing. Strange.
  10. I'm sorry I don't quite understand.
  11. It's an XRS4500. I cleared cache and reset box. Now when I go to server setting I see the MAC address top right. However, I see Portal name is Server 1, below is Portal URL and save or cancel. MAC address is not shown.
  12. Perfect I'll give'er a shot.
  13. Explain please.
  14. I was changing the MAC address on my BuzzBox and deleted a few characters of data in error on device 2. Any way to fix?
  15. So for the XRS 4500 we wait?
  16. BT-400
  17. Any word on the update for the remote?
  18. I'll try that. Again..sorry.
  19. I'm sorry I forgot to mention that I'm using a USB stick plugged in to the box. The VLC media player which was pre-installed on the box. I've disabled sub titles in VLC but doesn't help. If I plug the USB into the TV I can disable the sub titles.
  20. I tried the green button and the left D and neither work.
  21. BuzzTV XRS4500 how do I shut off subtitles?
  22. rdw33

    Horrible remote

    It would have been nice to have white letters on black buttons.
  23. rdw33

    Horrible remote

    Not pleased with the remote either.
  24. I don't have the buzztv utilities on my XRS4500.
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