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Everything posted by BlankKT

  1. I cleared the data and it works now, but thank you for all the suggestions.
  2. When I press the VOD button on the remote, the VOD screen loads but it shows 0 of 0 pages and when I press the reb button for the categories nothing loads and again when I press the red button to organize categories nothing pops up so I can't unhide any of the categories.
  3. I have tried every homescreen available and it doesn't work.
  4. I have Buzz 5.
  5. I'm currently having an issue with the VOD section on my Buzztv XR4000. My daughter pressed the "Hide All" button in the Organize Categories pop up menu. Now when I go into VOD section, nothing loads. When I try to bring up the pop up window by pressing the red button twice, nothing happens. The box recongizes my remote prompts. I'm not sure why the pop up menu works if you have at least one category active but doesn't pop up if they are all hidden. I'm at a loss at how I should try to correct this.
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