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Everything posted by JimBob

  1. just following up, since I was OP, ...got myself a U5 from WWS, and love it ..
  2. JimBob

    U5 and Prime

    thanks for the response, I will take a look at these options and give my findings in a few days
  3. JimBob

    U5 and Prime

    thanks for the response, I will take a look at these options and give my findings in a few days
  4. JimBob

    U5 and Tivimate

    Fair enough, I will look at tivi sites. Honest answer. I just had this app for years now, before Buzz boxes, just using it since I have lifetime sub.
  5. change the time for reset, I had mine set to 8 hours and then it turned off, use the never option, issue solved
  6. JimBob

    U5 and Tivimate

    Not sure if its U5 related, but I have full account with Tivimate, works fine. Since I got he the U5 box, I have now moved up to 5 device limit, I now now have a concern. Tivimate allows 5 device only When installing the Tivimate companion app, the app says I don't have the HMS Core, which would allow me to delete unused old android boxes. I tried a Android emulator on m PC, but can't figure out how to do it. Do you guys have help for me.?
  7. JimBob

    U5 and Prime

    Set up a new U5 box, works well. However, I have Prime and get no volume, when selecting the channel, but when I go to my 4900, all works well, no issue. All other channels work with , both running Tivimate, just Prime Latest update installed. Buggy?
  8. ok thanks
  9. I already have a xrs4900 which works fine. Been looking around to buy another one here in Canada, but seems they are all out of stock. Am I missing something? Is a different model coming out soon I should wait for?
  10. hmmm, OK, I will try that as well... learning curve, thanks
  11. OK, I managed to get the m3u file to load, but another issue popped up, series and vod populates fine, but Live seems to be stuck on music. I will delete and add m3u again tonight
  12. Good first point, kinda weird to do so, but I will ask Never tried xc, but will give it a try. How much of the base url, do I need? So like, http://some name here.icu:8080/ OR is it from the app provder itself, https:// something.net name and pass I have Will look version when I get home tonight, but think its updated. Thanks for your help
  13. Just set up my new 4900 but can't connect to m3u portal. It fails everytime. The same url line works because I use it with tivimate on different, non buzz box. deleted the line and tried again, each time by input, not copy and paste. Hard wire connection is fine, program app opens and works, just can't get it to work from within the buzz box....what am I missing?
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