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Everything posted by Ray

  1. ok. I'll do that. thank you all.
  2. I'm using a tcl roku tv. I tried other ports and another tv at a hotel yesterday
  3. do I return for an exchange?
  4. hdmi port is pooched on the buzz box?
  5. I can't see anything from buzztv box on the screen. My screen just says "No Signal" Nothing happens when I do a hard reset. Although, I'm not able to put the box in recovery mode before the hard reset.
  6. I pressed it and held for 10 secs or so. Nothing seems to be happening. What is the proper procedure? Should I see the blue light turn off and on?
  7. how do I use press the reset button in the av port?
  8. I have tried on another tv and tried different hdmi ports on both tvs
  9. OH, and I've been running buzz 5 for a few months without issues.
  10. I have read about hard reset but I don't have a reset button on this 4500 box.
  11. Hi, I have a xrs4500 that is doinoku T g this "blinking" thing. Meaning the picture would go blank then come back on. Now, the tv will not recognize the buzz box. It"s asking if it's turned on. The TV is TCL Roku TV. I'm using the original power cord and bought a new certified HDMI cable.
  12. Ray

    buzztv 5 beta

    My box (xr4500) also kept rebooting. Screen image would flicker on and off every 2 seconds. I could see message on screen saying buzztv5 keeps turning off with options to 1) show info and 2) turn off application (not sure of exact wording. going by memory). When image flickered on, I pressed ok on my remote to choose "show info". And I was able to see a stable screen. I scrolled down and cleared cache. I think I also chose force stop (not sure). Went back to home screen and it was still flickering and rebooting . I chose "live tv" and it was stable. So, I left it for 30 minutes as I read somewhere that the application would update again minutes after initial update to Buzz5. After 30 minutes I checked for update and It installed the latest stable IPTV version. Could be just luck, but that's what happened when I updated my box to Buzz5. Recap: 1) make your way somehow to buzztv settings and clear cache 2) wait 20-30 minutes after install of buzz5 3) check for updates
  13. IR is working on remote because it turns off my tv using IR.
  14. No. It's clear. I even walked closer to STB and pointed remote at box within 1ft.
  15. Well, that's another thing. I removed arq100 usb dongle, rebooted and tried bt100. It didn't work. I used arq100 to turn on bluetooth, rebooted. Bt100 worked on bluetooth but still green stb button would not turn 4500 box on or off. It seems IRQ on the 4500 box is not working?? I'm just using the arq100 for now and using the power chord to turn box on and off.
  16. I have a service request out to BuzzTv. Thanks for your time and help.
  17. ok
  18. It is off. CEC is turned on for HDMI 3 on my tv, But the 4500 is connected to HDMI1 which is not cec enabled. FYI, when I turn off tv using the red tv button, it no longer turns off the 4500 box. I turned cec back on and they both turn off, But I still can't turn on 4500 box.
  19. and that picture of the arq-100 v2 is exactly like the one I have.
  20. yes. I programed tv button to turn tv on and off. The buzztv box would turn off when I turned off the tv. But I still had to use the green stb button on arq-100 to turn the box on. And red tv button to turn on the tv.
  21. how do I tell the difference? I just bought it 3 months ago. Assume v2?
  22. Yes, I'm using arq-100. green stb button IR doesn't seem to work.
  23. I'm having the same issue with the green STB button. It will not turn xrs4500 box on or off. I point it at the box and still not working. I've tried turing bluetooth off on box and unpairing old remote BT100. Thank you,
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