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neanderthal last won the day on March 13 2023

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  1. I will try this later today when I get home.
  2. And it is not signing on at all now. It is connected to the internet, I can watch youtube videos through it. But it won't connect to the tv channels. Same error message; incorrect user name or password. It was repeatedly giving me error messages while I was watching rugby on Saturday, so I reluctantly restarted it, hoping it would cure itself. Nope. Any help appreciated.
  3. It came alive some time after the cache clearing and memory clearing. Thanks for your input guys.
  4. And, it's a MAC server. I said it was XC up there, but I was mistaken.
  5. Double checked. Everything is exactly as it should be. I tried turning off wifi and connecting the cable. Nothing. I checked for updates. Latest version. Hard reset again. Nothing. I checked with my cousin, who is on the same servers. He's fine. I'm resetting again now and going to try clearing the cache and memory again.
  6. I'll double check when I get back. I coach rugby and it's time to head to practise. Thanks.
  7. I'm afraid I have no idea what that means. <edit> Just looked. It appears its XC API
  8. Hi all. I am having a problem that I cannot seem to resolve. I moved recently, just 2 doors down, same apartment complex. Literally, the neighbor on one side is still my neighbor- i'm just on the other side of them now. I forgot to change my address with ATT but I just brought my router with me and plugged it in and everything seemed ok. Then it stopped working. I called, had to stop service at my old place and set up and completely new account. Did so. They sent me a new router, connected, everything worked. Except it has their weird alphabet soup name for my network and equally clumsy password. I changed the network name and password and now I am constantly getting this error message. I turned the box on and off. Nothing. I reset the box. Nothing. I disconnected the power and restarted. Nothing. I cleared the cache. Nothing. I cleared the memory. Nothing. I did forget network and signed in again. Nothing. I did a hard reset by restarting, inserting a toothpick in the hole in the back and holding it for 15 seconds. Nothing. I checked with the guy who hosts the servers and hes given me several different urls to try. Nothing. [/b]All my other devices work.[/b] Every single laptop, phone, tablet, etc connected to my wifi works just fine. Only Buzz TV refuses to get with the program. I would appreciate any pointers. Thanks.
  9. I tried signing in on my phone to see if I could post the video here, but couldn't remember my password and it locked me out for 15 minutes. I have a meeting at 7am so i'm going to sleep. I am really grateful for your help and input. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. I appreciate it a lot.
  10. It gives me a small pop up box at the bottom of the tv that says "no updates available." I tried it 3X and even took a video that I can send you if you want to see it.
  11. It says "latest update installed."
  12. In settings i clicked about, and then scrolled down to where it said: kernel 4.9.113 Version 9 build V20220919 I hope this is the information you need.
  13. I have checked for the latest update and it said the current version is the one in my system. I don't have any thing connected to the box except the tv. I don't know how to measure download speed. I've wanted to add a hard drive so that I could actually have the recordings of the things I have recorded but haven't done so. Thank you.
  14. Hi all. I hope you can help me with my problem. As the title alludes, my unit freezes, plays a second or two, freezes again, plays a couple of seconds, freezes, continually. On most channels. I only watch rugby (South Africa and New Zealand channels) and news channels, but it's doing this for all channels. I've restarted the box over and over again. Thank you for your help. Incidentally, is there a tips and tricks thread somewhere that I can peruse so that I don't have to start a thread for each issue? Thanks again.
  15. And just in time to catch Scotland playing Ireland. The game that was on this morning.
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