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  1. Hi I have an issue and I’m wondering if anyone has a fix to it. So basically I think my ISP is blocking the main service I use from working for me at certain times. For the first month from when I bought the service this would never happen and now it is just beginning to happen very frequently. So I got a VPN to see if it would fix the issue and it hasn’t. This isn’t a provider issue because earlier this summer when I was with another provider this same issue was happening. And even then it worked smoothly when I first bought it then the same thing started happening like a month or so after I got the service. So I’m just wondering does anybody have any solutions that might help me out. Thanks in advance.
  2. I am using the Version 5.0.767 it is the most latest beta update. When I use the other video player the channels buffer a lot so it is literally impossible to watch with it.
  3. Hi I have a Buzz XRS 4500 and there has been a issue where on some channels when ever the audio is set to English, 5.1 Surround Sound the screen just goes blank and says “Unknown Stream Error” but when I disable the audio, the screen and pictures comes on but then I have no audio. So can anybody help or have any idea on how to fix this issue.
  4. Johnny

    Live Tv

    Does it work on Buzz Xrs 4500
  5. Johnny

    Live Tv

    Any good recommendations?
  6. Johnny

    Live Tv

    Hi I am just wondering is there anything I can do to get rid of an isp block on any of my services. I am not still 100% sure if there is an isp block but everyday around 7PM-12AM I can not access the portal. So I was just wondering if anybody has any help to my issue
  7. Yeah
  8. this is what is happening. Is there any solutions?
  9. If anyone can respond quickly I have a question. On my Buzz XRS 4500 sometimes when I try to use live tv using XC API Login i get the a message that says cannot load portal: failed to connect to (then it’s the url and ip of the server and my own) after 10000 MS. If anyone can help it’d be much appreciated.
  10. Hi I have one question. Most of the channels aren't showing a channel logo on my buzz xrs4500. But on my phone or any of the my other devices I use they show all of the logos. So I was wondering is there anything I could do so all the channel logos are being shown?
  11. Johnny

    Live TV

    XC Login
  12. Johnny

    Live TV

    On my Buzz XRS 4500, When I select live tv to watch some television the loading channel list screen takes way too long. Is there anything to do to fix this. When I had the normal Buzz 4 it went by fast but ever since I upgraded to Buzz 5 Beta it has been taking really long and has been frustrating. Can you guys please respond with some help.
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