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  1. Yep
  2. Waiting on that update
  3. So why'd you ask "who said it was fixed?" It was you Also when will it be released? I only did the update so I could get rid of the Ironman background. Was told on the fb group how to get it and was not told it was beta. Had I known that and something more important would get screwed up I never would've updated. Once I get my channel order problem fixed I'm not gonna go through this again
  4. Well what's the holdup? If it's already fixed with the new update, why can't you release it?
  5. ETA on new update yet
  6. When will that update be released
  7. I recently updated to Buzz 5 (firmware V20220105 on my XRS4000) Don't have "user organize" option for favorite channel order. Added another channel to my favorites and wanted to move it. Clicked the green button and selected "favorites" which was a mistake. Should've clicked the blue button. Cause when I do now they're in the correct order but that doesn't change with the order in epg or live TV.
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