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Mike Blickfeldt

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  1. Okay, I am having problems with my classic recording. I've seen the other posts where you are supposed to have CDC off. It is off and still not recording in IPTV. But, everything else in the Colum of CDC is also off. Do any of those need to be switched on?
  2. Just switched to "backup" player. It appears to be working better but I need to go to bed. I'll report tomorrow. Thanks for the help guys. BTW: I am not able to hardwire at this time.
  3. When you say other video player, I,m not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean adding one like MX that would also support the IPTV? Or, is there another embedded player?
  4. And, yes, the other player seems to work fine.
  5. 210 Mbps. It's not the box. My Firestick 4k Max and Mecool 7 Plus work fine on the same TV.
  6. I am getting flickering freeze-framing every few seconds in IPTV with my new box. Very frustrating. I am thinking that doing a Master reset might help but don't know how to perform it. There is a reset in the settings but it is not the master reset. How do you perform this?
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